

編號 會員
投稿者 題目
類別 Sleep-disordered Breathing
A-01 539 莊立邦 Association between OSA and Obesity in Consideration of Sarcopenia Among the Elderly
A-02 1641 陳嬿今 Gender differences in the changes of sleep-related physical and mental symptoms following CPAP treatment in patients with OSA
A-03 2019 許瑛倢 Tongue Pressure as a Clinical Tool for Predicting Tongue Base Collapse in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome
A-04 2279 賴柏亘 Case Report: Discussion about phenotypic subtypes of obstructive sleep apnea from clinical viewpoints
類別 Sleep Monitoring
B-01 2241 董璧鴻 Measuring Sleep Quality in The Elderly: A Comparison of Objective and Subjective Assessment of Sleep.
類別 Sleep Physiology
C-01 1540 廖信閔 Feature Characterization of PSG Signals of OSA for Surgical Treatment Response Analysis: A Pilot Study
C-02 2409 陳俊秀 阻力訓練預處理對缺血性中風大鼠的睡眠、自律神經功能及焦慮行為之影響
C-03 廖子榕 2019-2020年台灣勞工睡眠時長與臨床生理學之相關性研究
類別 Sleep and Psychiatric Disorders
D-01 2279 賴柏亘 Narcolepsy and Anxiety: Independent diseases or comorbidities?
D-02 2279 賴柏亘 Case Report: Newly Diagnosed OSA after COVID-19 infection
D-03 2435 林美岑 Investigate how Orexin system regulates the medial-prefrontal cortex-mediated extinction of conditioned-fear memory
類別 Sleep and Neurological Disorders
E-01 1738 金韋志 Deterioration of the symptom and quality of life of patients with narcolepsy after the COVID-19 pandemic: a 4-year long-term follow-up study
E-02 2305 葉佳欣 New standpoint on the role of the autonomic nervous system in young, middle-aged and elderly essential hypertension and the sleep-related changes of neurocardiac regulation
類別 Insomnia
F-01 2270 高晧宇 Effects of the Rehmannia glutinosa Libosch (生地黃) for the Treatment of Insomnia
類別 Circadian Rhythm Disorders
G-01 2426 蔡恩霈 Discrete photoentrainment of the mammalian central clock is regulated by a bimodal network in the suprachiasmatic nucleus
G-02 李承安 The Circadian rhythm of ICU Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction and the Effect of Dynamic Light Therapy: A Preliminary Study
類別 Others
H-01 1238 蕭帆琦 探討大學生「神經質」對「睡眠品質」之影響:以「惡夢回憶量」為中介變項
H-02 2413 余適宇 The Circuit Mechanisms of SCN-mediated Seasonal Prolactin Response in Rodents