
【徵人啟事】台北醫學大學 徵求博士後研究員1名(早產兒與晝夜節律神經科學)


台北醫學大學 徵求博士後研究員1名(早產兒與晝夜節律神經科學)

我們正在徵求一名博士後研究員來研究早產小鼠模型中的晝夜節律。該職位是由台北醫學大學的 Braintime 實驗室 -- Jihwan Myung 明智煥博士和國立成功大學小兒學科 -- 黃朝慶博士共同招募。 明博士是晝夜節律生物學家,致力於神經元網絡(PNAS2015)和大腦(Nature Communications2018)中晝夜節律的動力學。黃博士是兒科神經學家(NEJM19992004 Ann Neurol 2010 Mol Autism2019Pediatrics20162020)。基於人類數據,我們計劃在小鼠模型中進行體內(in vivo)和體外(in vitro)試驗。該項目由台灣科技部資助(每年可更新,為期三年)。

我們在尋找具有強大分子生物學和定量分析方法背景,並且熱衷於跨學科領域的科學家。 Braintime 實驗室位於台北市的中心。台北市是一個充滿活力且不斷發展的國際城市。而台北醫學大學是台灣頂尖的私立大學。根據資格,大學可提供額外的津貼。



Postdoctoral position in circadian neuroscience of preterm development at Taipei Medical University

We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to study circadian rhythms in the mouse model of preterm infants. The position is available in the laboratory of Braintime (Dr. Jihwan Myung) at Taipei Medical University, jointly at the department of pediatrics at National Cheng Kung University (Dr. Chao-Ching Huang). Dr. Myung is a circadian biologist who work on dynamics of multiple circadian clocks in a neuronal network (PNAS, 2015) and the brain (Nature Communications, 2018) and Dr. Huang is a pediatric neurologist (NEJM, 1999, 2004; Ann Neurol 2010; Mol Autism 2019; Pediatrics 2016, 2020). Based on human data, we plan to test our hypothesis in mice at both in vivo and in vitro levels. The project is funded by the Taiwanese government (the Ministry of Science and Technology, renewable annually for three years). A strong background in molecular biology and quantitative methods are required. Preference is given to enthusiastic scientists who are willing to explore interdisciplinarily. The laboratory of Braintime is in the heart of the Taipei city--the vibrant and growing international city. The Taipei Medical University is a top-ranked private university in Taiwan. A special foreign faculty perk is available from the university based on qualification.

If interested, please email your letter of motivation and curriculum vitae with three references to Dr. Jihwan Myung (jihwan@tmu.edu.tw).