Obstructive sleep apnea and pulmonary hypertension
劉景隆(Ching-Lung Liu)
Director (Respiratory Care Center)
Attending Physician (Chest Division, Internal Medicine Department)
Assistant Professor (Department of Medicine)
MacKay Memorial Hospital
MacKay Medical College
Research Interests:
Sleep and sleep-disordered breathing
Respiratory physiology and airway disease
Respiratory infection and immune response
Selected Publications:
1. Liu CL, Lu YT, Peng MJ, Chen PJ, Lin RL, Wu CL, Kuo HT. Clinical and laboratory features of severe acute respiratory syndrome vis-a-vis onset of fever. Chest. 2004 Aug;126(2):509-17. (SCI)
2. Chiou HE, Liu CL, Buttrey MJ, Kuo HP, Liu HW, Kuo HT, Lu YT. Adverse effects of ribavirin and outcome in severe acute respiratory syndrome: experience in two medical centers. Chest. 2005 Jul;128(1):263-72. (SCI)
3. Liu CL, Hsieh WY, Wu CL, Kuo HT, Lu YT. Triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells-1 in pleural effusions: a marker of inflammatory disease. Respir Med. 2007 May;101(5):903-9. (SCI)
4. Liu CL, Lu YT. Bronchodilatation effects of a small volume spacer used with a metered-dose inhaler. J Asthma. 2009 Sep;46(7):637-41. (SCI)
5. Liu CL, Wu CL, Lu YT. Effects of age on 1-second forced expiratory volume response to bronchodilation. Int J Gerontol. 2009;3(3):149-55. (SCI)
6. Liu CL, Lin CY, Yang SH. Seasonal difference in FEV1 response to bronchodilation: a comparison between young and elderly patients. Int J Gerontol. 2018;12:105-109. (SCI)
7. Liu CL, Lu YT, Tsai IF, Wu LC, Chien WC, Chung CH, Ma KH. Fenofibrate Facilitates Post-Active Tuberculosis Infection in Macrophages and is Associated with Higher Mortality in Patients under Long-Term Treatment. J Clin Med. 2020 Jan;9(2):337. (SCI)
8. Hung TC, Liu TJ, Lu TM, Wang YP, Chen TL, Huang CC, Lai YC, Liu CL, Sun KH. Building a model to precisely target the responders of a novel intermittent negative air pressure device-with mechanism definition. Sleep Med. 2020 Aug;72:20-27. (SCI)
9. Liu GR, Lin TY, Wu HT, Sheu YC, Liu CL, Liu WT, Yang MC, Ni YL, Chou KT, Chen CH, Wu D, Lan CC, Chiu KL, Chiu HY, Lo YL. Large scale assessment of consistency in sleep stage scoring rules among multiple sleep centers using an interpretable machine learning algorithm. J Clin Sleep Med 2021 Feb;17(2):159-166. (SCI).
10. Chen CH, Liu CL, Lai YC, Lin CC, Pai MC, Kuo KC, Chung HP, Lin CY. Sleep in elderly patients under prolonged mechanical ventilation: an observational study. Int J Gerontol 2021 Oct;15(4):345-349. (SCI)
Sleep-related breathing disorders (SBD), including obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), central sleep apnea, and sleep-related hypoventilation, are an under-recognized but highly prevalent group of diseases. These nocturnal respiratory events result in intermittent hypoxia, with the potential to increase pulmonary arterial pressure, have a great impact on cardiovascular health. However, the association between OSA and pulmonary hypertension (PH) is not well understood. This relationship appears to be bi-directional, but our understanding of the mechanisms that drive the process remains very limited. Consequences of OSA combined with PH have been shown to increase mortality in clinical observational studies. Additionally, limited data suggest that treatment with positive airway pressure (PAP), which improves pulmonary hemodynamics and reduces pulmonary atrial pressure, may be clinically beneficial. Finally, through clinical cases, we will demonstrate and discuss the impact of SDB on pulmonary arterial pressure, as well as the changes in pulmonary arterial pressure following PAP therapy.
睡眠相關呼吸障礙 (SBD),包括阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止 (OSA)、中樞型睡眠呼吸中止以及睡眠相關換氣不足,是一群未被充分認識但高度普遍的疾病。這些夜間呼吸事件導致間歇缺氧,可能會增加肺動脈壓,對心血管健康產生重大影響。然而, 阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止 (OSA) 與肺高壓 (PH) 之間的關聯尚不清楚。這種關係似乎是雙向的,但我們對於這一過程進展機制的理解仍十分有限。阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止合併肺高壓的後果,在臨床觀察研究中已被證明會增加死亡率。另外,有限的數據顯示呼吸道正壓 (PAP) 治療,可改善肺血流動力學和降低肺動脈壓,可能是臨床有益的。最後,透過臨床案例,我們將提出和討論睡眠相關呼吸障礙對肺動脈壓的影響,以及呼吸道正壓治療後肺動脈壓的變化。