Talks: An Updated Review of Narcolepsy
 Name: 詹博棋
 Position: 1.Director of Sleep Center of Chang Hua Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital 2.Attending Physician, Department of Neurology, Chang Hua Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital
 Affiliation: Department of Neurology, Chang Hua Show-Chwan Memorial Hospital
  Research Interests: Neurology, Sleep medicine
  Selected Publications: ◆Chi HY, Lin CS, Hsu MH, Chan PC, Hu HH. Chronic Influences of Obstructive Sleep Apnea on Cerebral Venous Flow. J Ultrasound Med. 2015 Nov; 34(11):2043-8. ◆Increased Risk of Stroke in Contact Dermatitis Patients: A Nationwide Population-based Retrospective Cohort Study. Medicine (In press)
  Abstract: Narcolepsy is the second most common cause of disabling daytime sleepiness after obstructive sleep apnea. This updated review focuses on the epidemiology, clinical features, etiology, diagnosis and treatment of narcolepsy and provides clinicians a framework for diagnosis and effective treatment.