地點:高雄醫學大學 國研大樓 B2 A廳

時間:3/26(日) 13:20~14:20

發表順序 作者 題目
01 林煥然 Treatment response of oral appliance therapy in positional sleep apnea
02 陳彥融 A Randomized Cross-over Evaluation on Effects of Pressure Relief Control Device on Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Automatic Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Therapy
03 李治勳 以動物模型探討間歇性缺氧對於敗血症死亡率之影響
04 李立昂 Whole-transcriptome oropharynx expression in adulthood sleep-disordered breathing- A case-controlled pilot study
05 林婉妮 Nonresponders to upper airway surgery for obstructive sleep apnea: Insights from drug-induced sleep computed tomography
06 李立昂 The impact of body weight status on blood pressure in obstructive sleep apnea children underwent adenotonsillectomy
07 李偉康 阻塞性睡眠呼吸中止症與憂鬱情緒關係之探討:白天嗜睡具中介效果